Remote Learning

Just as in the classroom, learning in an online environment is most manageable when you have all the IT tools you need to succeed. The information below will help you access the internet, set up and log in to University systems and software, and find University resources for your best remote learning experience.
1. Get Connected
Whether you use Wi-Fi, a cellular network, or dial-up, a reliable internet connection is essential to learn remotely. These links list free and low-cost internet access options:
- Free Wi-Fi on eduroam campuses
- Free NC public Wi-Fi and low-cost internet service
- Internet Options for Low- and Fixed-Income Households presented by BroadbandNow
- Federal “Keep Americans Connected” initiative
The University does not endorse nor promote any specific vendor.
2. Power On
It’s best to choose a device that will meet your academic needs of today and tomorrow.
3. Get Familiar
From FAQs to software, systems, and apps, these links will help you learn on campus, or on the go:
- Log in to GSuite
- Download Microsoft Office
- Download University software
- Use Respondus Monitor
- Review #KeepLearning Resources
- Visit Atkins Library’s electronic resources
- Access the Writing Center
- Get Gmail on iOS / Android
- Get Canvas on iOS / Android
4. Ask for Help
Remote learning does not mean you are alone. These technical and support resources are here to assist you: