Duo for Students

In 2021, students began to see a prompt to enroll in Duo two-factor authentication when they reset their NinerNET password. New students are guided through Duo enrollment when they activate their NinerNET account. *NOTE: Confirming Duo enrollment does not submit your intent to enroll. Submit your intent to enroll in your Future49er Portal.*
Like professors, students at UNC Charlotte use their NinerNET account to access University single sign-on services like Canvas. Duo two-factor authentication requires each Niner to confirm their identity and know the account password to access their NinerNET account. That ensures that even if someone correctly guesses your password, they still can’t access your account without something you have (like a phone or tablet).
Along with adding an extra layer of security from cyberattacks, Duo enrollment allows students more time between password expiration—one year instead of every 180 days!
For more information about Duo two-factor authentication, see these FAQs:
For IT help, visit help.charlotte.edu.
Duo enrollment follows guidance provided by the UNC System (UNC Policy Manual and Code, section 1400.3).