Zoom premium features available now
The UNC Charlotte community can now access Zoom premium features, including meetings with 300 participants on the popular video communication platform. The Zoom trial for the ‘20-’21 academic year began in July, after OneIT surveyed students and University employees in May to learn about their experiences with technology while learning, teaching, and working remotely. Students referenced Zoom as a helpful web conferencing tool, and more than half of all faculty and staff agreed that Zoom met their remote needs.
To get started with Zoom, visit zoom.uncc.edu and sign in with your NinerNET username and password.
Before Zoom will work in Canvas, you must visit zoom.uncc.edu and sign in with your NinerNET username and password. After you sign in to Zoom, you will be able to use Zoom in Canvas. For assistance using Zoom in Canvas, see our FAQs:
So, what are you waiting for? Get Zooming!